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"Sticks With You"

Who We Are
Company Background
Established in 2011

Blackjack Publishers Ltd was established in 2011 by Salome Akwi and Mrs. Malinga Immaculate with a passion for Literature, art and design. They share their interests with the rest of the Ugandan society and beyond by producing interesting storybooks, educational books, adult literature as well as promote local writers.

Blackjack Publishers Ltd believes that for a society to be enlightened, crucial information must be shared right from an early age, which helps in the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and moral development of a child; that is why we spice our books with good illustrations which help to enrich the stories.

The online articles had the intent to expose everyday issues like domestic violence, child abuse, career opportunities and current affairs that educate, inspire and change people’s lives as well as promote journalistic interests among our society. As a result, ignorance will be a thing of the past in the Ugandan society.

Our Mission
Sensitize and empower the community with knowledge through Literature, Art and Design.
Our Vision
A nation which appreciates knowledge through Literature, Art and Design.
Our Goal
A literate society
  • Our Objectives / Aims
  • Educate society through creative stories
  • Promote writing, reading and art as professions
  • Promote local literature
  • Partnering with stakeholders to properly execute our goal
  • Our Values
  • Creativity
  • Honesty
  • Originality
  • Quality
  • Teamwork
Get in Touch
Our Location
Sayuuni Tower, 4th floor room N06
Call us on
+256 779657531
+256 706330315

Our Services

What We Offer


Children’s literature, Adult Literature, Short stories, Plays, Educational books e.g. text books, Magazines etc.

Graphics design

Posters, Logos, Calendars, Brochures, Labels, Stickers, Letterheads, Business cards, Flyers etc.


Digital Printing for all major Fabrics

Secretarial services

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