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Book Donation Initiative - Nabilatuk District

Blackjack Publishers Ltd through “The Elite Child Project” creates learning materials for pre-primary schools that are appropriate, affordable and accessible to both rural and urban based pre-primary schools.

One of the project’s purposes is to provide a level learning ground for all children in Uganda. Through this initiative we intend to bridge the gap between the urban and the rural based pre-primary schools.

To achieve our goal of a “Literate society” we have embarked on a Book Donation Initiative to provide learning materials to rural based schools in Bukedea district and beyond which cannot ably afford other supplementary materials except those provided by the government. It is upon this background that in August 2023, Blackjack Publishers Ltd responded to a call to support a Youth Centre and Library in Nabilatuk District, Karamoja code named “AKICA /ENLIGHTEN KARAMOJA” by donating learning materials like textbooks, storybooks, novels and class work notes. We contributed a set of Blackjack workbooks and storybooks for nursery. The organizer #SylviaIchumarLorot mentioned that even if the target was upper primary and secondary level, there was also a community school in the area that needed these materials badly.

The Youth centre was officially launched in March/21/2024. We are glad to have been part of the drive due to our belief that for a society to be enlightened, crucial information must be shared right from an early age, which helps in the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and moral development of a child that eventually will break the intergenerational cycle of poverty. This would not be possible without our Partner #UNDP#Uganda for the support they gave in the development of these incredibly good quality and creative materials and for their continued support.

I would like to take this opportunity to call upon Individuals, NGOs and well-wishers to Partner with us in this Book Donation Initiative.

We especially need support in printing these materials as we don’t have the capacity yet to print in bulk. One of our key company objectives is Partnering with stakeholders to properly execute our goal which is a “Literate Society”.

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Flash Cards for your Child

Parents, help your child learn how to count numbers 1-10 in a fun way while mastering colours and fruits around them

This is a set of flash cards that can stimulate the creativity of your child and quicken the learning ability of the child.

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Book donation initiative

Blackjack Publishers Ltd through “The Elite Child Project” creates learning materials for pre-primary schools that are appropriate, affordable and accessible to both rural and urban based pre-primary schools.

To achieve our goal of a “Literate society” we have embarked on a Book Donation Initiative to provide learning materials to rural based schools in Bukedea district which cannot ably afford other supplementary materials except those provided by the government.

What the project is about

The project aims to print and deliver 2,500 books which comprise of 200 sets of 12 titles (Baby, Middle and top class workbooks and storybooks) and 100 sets of The Numbers, Fruits and Colours game cards to 20 schools in Bukedea district. This is due to the challenge of Inadequate learning Materials in pre-primary education in Uganda especially in rural schools and Kachage Primary School is among those affected.

In the beginning 3rd third of the academic year 2023, after a pilot study, we identified Kachage Primary School a community school in our home area that had many inadequacies including being understaffed. Mrs. Malinga Immaculate (Co-Founder) decided to volunteer her services to this community school. As a retired Primary School Teacher, she could not just sit by and see a young generation fade away. She noticed a dare need of learning materials and together we sought a way to provide what we have. Her volunteer service was not a waste as the number of children who had dropped out began returning to school from barely 45 Primary one children in attendance to 135 by end of term.

This academic year 2024 we managed to make some book donations to the school. Through this initiative, we are providing valuable and meaningful reading materials and encouraging storybooks to keep these children in Kachage Primary School among others, interested in learning and looking forward to staying in school.

As much as we would love to do more due to the need, unfortunately #BlackjackPublishersLtd does not have the capacity at the moment to produce more books to cater for this initiative.

I would also like to thank our Partner #UNDPUganda for helping us develop these incredibly good quality and creative materials and for their continued support. One of our key company objectives is Partnering with stakeholders to properly execute our goal. It is upon this background that I call upon whoever feels led to partner in this initiative to come forth.

We believe that for a society to be enlightened, crucial information must be shared right from an early age, which helps in the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and moral development of a child that eventually will break the intergenerational cycle of poverty.

Call: 0779657531 for any inquiries.